Dry Skin & Psoriasis
Improve The Appearance of Dry Skin & Psoriasis
Dry skin and psoriasis are common skincare complaints that can often cause discomfort - sometimes even causing low self-esteem or a lack of self-confidence. At True Medispa in Twickenham we have several effective treatments which can improve the appearance of dry skin and help to ease symptoms of psoriasis.
Book an in-depth consultation so we can assess your skin at a deeper level and recommend the best course of treatments for your needs. Call 020 8892 7999. Please note that a 30-minute consultation costs £30 which is redeemable against any treatment price and products purchased.
Bespoke Facials
A professional facial at True Medispa cleanses, exfoliates, and nourishes your skin and promotes a clear, well-hydrated complexion. Regular facials can help to make your skin look younger! All of our facials are tailored to your unique skin type. You also receive advice on the best way to take care of your skin along with some fantastic product recommendations to keep your skin in its optimum condition.
Dermalux LED Phototherapy is a fantastic treatment for people with sensitive skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and rosacea. It has substantial anti-bacterial properties that cleanse and purify acne to regulate oil production in the skin - the perfect treatment for those who suffer with regular breakouts. A course of treatments is recommended for a longer-lasting effect and a dramatic improvement.
Book A Skin Consultation At True Medispa In Twickenham
If you are interested in a treatment, please book an in-depth consultation with a member of our expert team. To book your consultation please either call us on 020 8892 7999 or send an email to [email protected].